Jerusalem In My Heart is a live audio-visual performance of contemporary Arabic and electronic music interwoven with 16mm film projections and light-based (de)constructions of space, exploring a relationship between music, visuals, projections and audience.
Jerusalem In My Heart currently exists around the core of Radwan Ghazi Moumneh carrying musical duties and Montreal filmmaker Charles-André Coderre projecting handmade visuals using analog 16mm film & 35mm slides on multiple site-specific screen installations. A fixture of the Montreal independent music community from his early days, Moumneh is also active in the Beirut and Lebanese experimental music scenes, combining influences from both areas into Jerusalem in My Heart. Through the project, Moumneh attempts to forge a modern experimental Arabic music that weds evocative singing in classical Arabic modes to electronic compositions. Together with Coderre’s handmade visuals using analogue 16mm film and slide projectors over a multiple screens, the artists create an immersive sonic and visual live experience.